14 Best Employee Shift Scheduling Software for 2023

Employee shift scheduling software is a tool that simplifies the process of managing employee schedules for businesses. With the help of this software, managers can easily create schedules, assign shifts, and communicate with employees regarding any changes. This software eliminates the need for manual scheduling, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Using employee shift scheduling software can benefit businesses in several ways. It can increase productivity, reduce scheduling conflicts, and improve communication between managers and employees. This software can also help businesses comply with labor laws and regulations.

In this outline, we will be discussing the top 14 best employee shift scheduling software for 2023. These software tools have been selected based on their ease of use, features, cost, integration capabilities, and customer support.

Criteria for selecting the best employee shift scheduling software

When selecting the best employee shift scheduling software, there are several criteria that businesses should consider. These include:

  1. Ease of use: The software should be user-friendly and easy to navigate for both managers and employees.
  2. Features: The software should have features such as shift scheduling, time and attendance tracking, communication tools, and reporting capabilities.
  3. Cost: The software should be affordable and offer different pricing plans that suit different business sizes and needs.
  4. Integration capabilities: The software should be able to integrate with other tools such as payroll systems, time clocks, and accounting software.
  5. Customer support: The software provider should offer excellent customer support through various channels such as email, phone, or chat, to assist with any issues that may arise.

Considering these criteria will help businesses select the best employee shift scheduling software that meets their needs and requirements.

Top 14 best employee shift scheduling software for 2023

Sure, here are individual paragraphs highlighting the key features of each software in the top 14 best employee shift scheduling software for 2023:


Deputy offers easy scheduling and time tracking for businesses. It has a mobile app for employees to view their schedules, request time off, and swap shifts. Customizable reporting features allow managers to track employee hours, labor costs, and productivity. Deputy also integrates with payroll and POS systems to streamline business operations.


Shiftboard offers automated scheduling, with features such as shift swapping and bidding. Time and attendance tracking help businesses manage employee schedules and reduce scheduling conflicts. Customizable reporting features allow managers to analyze employee data and optimize scheduling. Shiftboard also integrates with other software tools such as payroll systems and communication tools.


Humanity offers shift scheduling and time tracking, with automatic shift notifications to keep employees informed. Employees can request time off and receive approvals through the software, reducing the workload for managers. Humanity also ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations to avoid legal issues.


TSheets offers time tracking and scheduling with GPS location tracking, making it easy for businesses to manage remote and mobile employees. Project tracking and reporting features help businesses manage their workflow and productivity. TSheets also integrates with payroll and accounting software to streamline business operations.

When I Work:

When I Work offers employee scheduling and time tracking features, with shift swapping and messaging capabilities to facilitate communication between managers and employees. When I Work also has a mobile app that allows employees to view their schedules and request time off.


Sling offers shift scheduling, time tracking, and communication features. It has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for managers to create schedules and track employee hours. Sling also integrates with other software tools such as payroll systems and communication tools.


ZoomShift offers automated scheduling, with features such as shift bidding and time-off requests. It also has reporting capabilities that allow managers to analyze employee data and optimize scheduling. ZoomShift also integrates with other software tools such as payroll systems and communication tools.


Homebase offers employee scheduling, time tracking, and communication features. It has a mobile app that allows employees to view their schedules and request time off. Homebase also integrates with other software tools such as payroll systems and POS systems.


ScheduleAnywhere offers employee scheduling and time tracking features, with reporting capabilities to help managers analyze employee data and optimize scheduling. It also has a mobile app that allows employees to view their schedules and request time off.


Connecteam offers employee scheduling and time tracking features, with a mobile app that allows employees to view their schedules and request time off. It also has features such as shift swapping and messaging capabilities to facilitate communication between managers and employees.


Bizimply offers shift scheduling and time tracking features, with reporting capabilities to help managers optimize scheduling and reduce labor costs. It also has a mobile app that allows employees to view their schedules and request time off.


ScheduleBase offers employee scheduling and time tracking features, with a simple and user-friendly interface. It also has a mobile app that allows employees to view their schedules and request time off. ScheduleBase also integrates with other software tools such as payroll systems and communication tools.


Ximble offers employee scheduling and time tracking features, with automatic shift notifications and time-off requests. It also has reporting capabilities that help businesses analyze employee data and optimize scheduling. Ximble also integrates with other software tools such as payroll systems and communication tools.


CakeHR offers shift scheduling, time tracking, and attendance management features. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for managers to create schedules and track employee hours. CakeHR also offers a mobile app that allows employees to view their schedules and request time off.

Choosing the right employee shift scheduling software can make a big difference in the efficiency and productivity of your business. Consider the features that are most important to your business, such as scheduling automation, time tracking, and reporting capabilities, when selecting the software that is best suited to your needs.


In conclusion, the top 14 best employee shift scheduling software for 2023 offer a variety of features and benefits for businesses of all sizes and industries. Whether you are looking for automated scheduling, time tracking, or communication tools, there is a software solution that can help you manage your workforce more effectively. By implementing the right employee shift scheduling software, you can improve productivity, reduce scheduling conflicts, and streamline business operations.

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