[Best 30+]» Arctic Fox PNG» ClipArt, Logo & HD Background

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[Best 30+]» Arctic Fox PNG» ClipArt, Logo & HD Background

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Arctic Fox PNG

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About Arctic

The Arctic fox, (or ‘white fox’, ‘polar fox’, ‘snow fox’), is Vulpes lagopus. It is a small fox which lives in the Arctic. The fox is about 10-12 inches high (25–30 cm) and it weighs from 6.5 to 21 pounds (2.7-4.5 kg).The females tend to be smaller than the males. The Arctic fox has a round body shape, short nose and legs, and short, fluffy ears. It has a deep thick fur which is brown in summer and white in winter. Arctic foxes live for about 3 to 6 years. This fox can live in the cold north even when it is -30F. Their thick fur keeps them warm. The fur of the Arctic fox provides the best insulation of any mammal

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